K. H. Grobman

Graphic design has always been a hobby of mine and it grew into an interest in web design about 6 years ago. I occasionally do free-lance web-design for companies and I volunteer to design web-sites for non-profit organizations, especially those that help children. Please send inquiries to   k h g @ d e v p s y . o r g   (remove extra spaces). When I design a web-site I: (1) only write directly in HTML instead of using clunky WYSWYG editors, (2) optimize design for: download speed, interpretation by search engines, navigation, and readiblity for persons with disabilities. (3) design original artwork and graphics.

Web Design & Graphic Design

Resources for Designing a Web-Site

Unusual Characters on Web Pages

Non-dither Colors on Web Pages

Background Images I Designed (free for non-profit use)

Examples of my Graphic Design & Art-Work

Images of Sound

Formation of Scales



Examples of my Web Design

AFFIRM Website (opens in new window)

PSU Developmental Pyschology Program Website (opens in new window)

Personal Website with Side-Bar Navigation

About DevPsy.Org

Developmental Psychology Web Portal Start Page

Link to DevPsy.Org