> design | k h g @ d e v p s y . o r g |
Graphic design has always been a hobby of mine and it grew into an interest in web design about 6 years ago. I occasionally do free-lance web-design for companies and I volunteer to design web-sites for non-profit organizations, especially those that help children. Please send inquiries to k h g @ d e v p s y . o r g (remove extra spaces). When I design a web-site I: (1) only write directly in HTML instead of using clunky WYSWYG editors, (2) optimize design for: download speed, interpretation by search engines, navigation, and readiblity for persons with disabilities. (3) design original artwork and graphics.
Unusual Characters on Web Pages
Non-dither Colors on Web Pages
Background Images I Designed (free for non-profit use)
AFFIRM Website (opens in new window)
PSU Developmental Pyschology Program Website (opens in new window)
Personal Website with Side-Bar Navigation
Developmental Psychology Web Portal Start Page > design |
K. H. Grobman | k h g @ d e v p s y . o r g | © 2003 - 2008 |